Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Shocking blood sugar test results on whole grain bread by Mike Geary- TRUTH ABOUT ABS

I've been doing more reading of the fascinating book, Wheat Belly, by Dr. William Davis, and I found an interesting passage that I wanted to share with you...

Dr. Davis basically did actual blood sugar tests on himself before and after consuming a modern whole grain wheat bread vs the type of ancient wheat that existed in the wild and began to be used as a crop between 5000-10,000 years ago -- einkorn wheat.  The results I'll discuss below are shocking.

Einkorn wheat is the ancient type of wheat that existed and was eaten for several thousand years before modern agricultural scientists began doing hundreds of hybridizations of wheat over the last 50 years.

These hybridizations were done to increase crop yield and other characteristics of wheat with no testing or consideration for whether these hybridizations affected our health at all, or how our body digests and processes this biochemically different wheat. 

Dr. Davis states, "...despite dramatic changes in the genetic makeup of wheat and other crops, no animal or human safety testing was conducted on the new genetic strains that were created." 

After more details on the biochemical changes in modern wheat, he continues, "Wheat gluten proteins, in particular, undergo considerable structural change with hybridization. In one hybridization experiment, 14 new gluten proteins were identified in the offspring that were not present in either parent wheat plant."

It's no wonder that us modern day humans have so much prevalence of wheat and gluten intolerance as the source of so many digestive problems... we've had a mere 50 years for the human digestive system to try to adapt to these new foreign gluten proteins that were never present in the ancient human diet. 

Now for the blood sugar tests that Dr. Davis conducted...

In order to make a bread out of einkorn wheat, Dr Davis actually had to obtain the grain from another country.  It's not easy to find.  He then ground the ancient einkorn type wheat into flour and made a loaf of bread out of it.

He then used modern day organic whole grain wheat and ground that into a flour and baked a loaf of bread exactly the same as the ancient einkorn wheat bread.

Then, on two separate days, he conducted blood sugar testing on himself from a fasted state, testing the ancient einkorn wheat bread on day 1 and testing the modern day whole wheat bread on day 2.  Check out the shocking results:

Day 1:
Fasting blood sugar: 84 mg/dl
Blood sugar after consuming 4 oz. ancient einkorn wheat bread:  110 mg/dl

That would be a fairly normal response to the amount of ingested carbs.  However, look at the shocking blood sugar spike caused by modern day whole wheat...

Day 2:
Fasting blood sugar: 84 mg/dl
Blood sugar after consuming 4 oz. modern day wheat bread:  167 mg/dl

Now you can see actual results showing that modern day wheat, after 100's of hybridizations and changes to its nutritional biochemistry, is a far cry from ancient wheat that was eaten over 5000 years ago by our ancestors. 

If you remember from a few of my articles in recent weeks, the higher your blood sugar goes more frequently, the more advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that your body produces, and the faster your body ages (your organs, skin, etc) including how old you LOOK.  You can readitem #7 on this article to see how eating too much wheat has the unique ability to age you faster (not good!)

One thing I try to do personally is to follow a fairly low-carb (paleolithic style) nutrition plan most days of the week (except for 1 cheat day) ... This means a focus on proteins, healthy fats, and fibrous veggies and a purposeful lack of grain-based foods and sugary foods as much as possible.

Another trick I use whenever I do eat a higher carb meal is to use certain herbs and spices before my meal or mixed in my meal to help control blood sugar response.  Cinnamon and cayenne are two noteworthy spices that can help to control your blood sugar response from a meal.

Here are 5 more powerful herbs to pay close attention to for blood sugar control...

5 powerful herbs that CONTROL your blood sugar when you eat carbs


Today's wheat is a far cry from ancient wheat biochemically and how your body processes it... and not only that, but since wheat is in EVERYTHING these days (unless you purposely avoid it), most people are eating massive quantities of wheat that would have never existed in ancient times in the human diet.

Here are some of the health effects that Dr Davis identifies in his book Wheat Belly, that he argues are at least partially caused by excess wheat consumption:

*Heart disease
*Accelerated aging
*visceral fat in the abdomen
*Type 2 diabetes
*Acidifies the body, leading to weak bones
*Joint problems, including arthritis
*IBS and acid reflux
*addictive properties
*High blood sugar

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

my after dinner snack- ORGANIC NUTS & BERRIES

Pecans, Blackberries, Walnuts, Strawberries and some Cherries!!! all ORGANIC! does not get any better!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Mike Geary is the man!
Follow these rules to be lean and healthy!


Trader Joes ORGANIC chicken
Fresh organic ASPARAGUS

on the grill!

Fresh berries, cherries and a piece of DARK CHOCOLATE after!

My COFFEE experiment ends

After over 1 month and a half without a drop of COFFEE; I say to you;

It was NO big deal. I could quit anytime and never drink it again!
It did not make me a better person- It did not give me more energy- I was thinking it would be a HUGE thing....
 BUT; I saw NO improvement at all in any aspect of my daily routine.
So my conclusion is.....

I like life better with coffee!

especially KONA

Thursday, June 14, 2012

4 weeks NO COFFEE!

crazy stuff! 4 weeks without a single sip of java....I am going to be honest; It really is not as hard as you read about. I guess everyone is different but for me it was pretty easy...a cup of green tea helps...and in the afternoon I have been having a bottle of KOMBUCHA (fermented tea). Many health benefits including probiotics. See-http://www.synergydrinks.com/

Most people are concerned that they wont do #2 without their coffee! But that has not been the case with me :) (I know your glad to hear that).

You really notice that SO MANY people are really jazzed up on coffee!
Almost like being the only sober guy at a party where everyone is drunk! (and yes I know that feeling too :))

I watch people get in line and wait 20 minutes at the DUNKIN' drive through- they can not function without it.

THAT IS WHAT I THOUGHT! but I am over it already- I really enjoyed the taste of it but it is too early to tell if I will ever have another coffee again!

I will keep you posted!

Friday, June 1, 2012

QUITTING COFFEE! no way! omg!

I could not imagine life without my beloved cups of java - the horror!
WHAT? NO! WHY??? no way! im not doing it- I need coffee!!!!
I know I was addicted because I would not even think about quitting.
Then the 2 cups in the morning became 3 or 4 and then more in the afternoon!
Espressos after dinner! umm yea- I AM ADDICTED.

So the latest CRAZY thing im doing is quitting coffee! I like to do experiments on myself- i.e.- no bread, no dairy, no fruit, etc. to see how I feel after a few weeks. It is the only way you will know how things affect your body.

So far- so good almost 2 weeks in and It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
no headaches- no fever- people have said you get flu like symptoms and heart pains!?
Thank God- none of that for me.

I think CROSSFIT has helped me keep my endorphines up and Im feeling good.

I will keep you posted on this - this is interesting stuff.

read this if you dare; http://www.paleoplan.com/2011/06-28/the-cruel-calling-of-coffee/


Great guide with pictures! i like pictures...thanks Kevin- MONMOUTH CROSSFIT

Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 uncommon superfoods


From Tim Ferriss' blog- I love this guy! His book "4 HOUR BODY" has some incredible stuff in it. As far as SUPERFOODS; I would also add more commonly known ones to your list as well; CHIA SEEDS and one of the most amazing spices on earth; Cinnamon.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I have been eating clean for alot of years and I can tell you this; SUGAR is BAD.
Go a few weeks without it and then have some food with sugar in it and you will feel what it does to your body and how you feel like C R A P.
along with GLUTEN it is killing America...white lines; "DON'T DO IT, BABY!"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

39 ways to not be like everyone else

I love this list by Jason Ferruggia! You gotta love the way he starts off;

"the problem with being like everyone else is that everyone else sucks"

Overall a great list to live by! I am in his lane on all of this.....and follow all (- ok i lied -I check my email every other minute!!!!  ;)


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

HAWAII 1st U.S. State to BAN plastic bags!

Hawaii Becomes the First State in the U.S. to Ban Plastic Bags!

When the City Council of Honolulu passed a bill to ban single-use plastic grocery bags on Oahu in late April, leaders of the Surfrider Foundation and Sierra Club Hawaii met with the Mayor, who reassured them that he was going to pass it.  True to his word, Mayor Carlisle signed the bill into law on May 11th, making Hawaii the first state in the nation where every country is covered by a plastic bag ban.  This was not done by the state legislature, but instead by all four County Councils - a great example of local activists and decision-makers addressing the serious issue of plastic pollution.
The City and County of Honolulu is the last of Hawaii's counties to enact a ban on plastic bags at the point of sale.  The Surfrider Chapters on Maui and Kauai counties helped pass the bans on those islands and say the results are dramatically cleaner waterways, beaches and nearshore waters.  The Hilo and Kona Chapters helped pass an ordinance on the Big Island that will take effect next year, and the Oahu ban will go into effect in 2015.  While we are excited that the plastic bag bans have been enacted, there has been a reported increase in paper bag use from locals.  Paper bags biodegrade and don't have the same impact on wildlife, but there are still issues with any disposible product; so activists will continue pushing for a statewide fee on paper bags.  As part of their statewide Rise Above Plastics (RAP) campaign, local Surfrider Chapters will also  promote the reduction of all single-use plastic products and encourage people to start using their own reusable bags, bottles and plateware.
After years of campaigning and creating an unstoppable coalition, it's time to celebrate this important victory that will help protect Hawaii's beautiful environment! Thanks to Leilei Joy Shih, the RAP Coordinator, for helping to lead this effort and congrats to all of the Surfrider activists, school groups, environmental organizations and engaged citizens who helped pass the ban!

Monday, May 14, 2012


listen to this guy! wow....one smart dude!
Mat Lalonde, BioChemist, Ph.D HARVARD

Friday, May 11, 2012


Post Workout Hydration has changed! Why would you workout and then go and drink a SUGARY drink????? DON'T! Hydrate naturally.....
My fave- 100% PURE COCONUT WATER- you can add protein powder to it if your trying to bulk up as well....
Vita Coco and Zico are good ones..but besides drinking right out of the coconut when I was in Hawaii this is my fave to date....BLUE MONKEY! in a recyclable aluminum can. UNREAL! cold and creamy....and why it's so good for you....
-100% all natural
-natural isotonic
-bio active natural minerals and ELECTROLYTES
-contains potassium and magnesium
-no added SUGAR



Thursday, May 10, 2012


i love this saying!
When I first starting following Craig Ballantyne at TURBULENCE TRAINING
 six years ago- I said "Craig; I want abs like you!" -that guy over there in TT ad -->
He told me to "lift heavy weights" and "eat good food"...."its all about what you eat!"
you need discipline....but it works!

from Craig at TT-

Abs. Everyone has them. 
No matter what level of 'insulation' you have over your 
six-pack, I guarantee your abs are under there.
But no amount of crunching will bring them to the surface.

For that matter, no amount of 'planking' or 'stability ball
rolling out' will either. 
No ab exercise is magic. Nor any infomercial ab gadget.
What works for getting abs is this, and this alone:

The combination of metabolic resistance training and
fat loss nutrition. Add my unique total-body ab exercises
to the mix and you'll have a flat stomach and six-pack abs.
That's the Final Word on Six Pack Abs.


Sample of Tues. through Sat.- (approx. 4:30 am to 9:30 pm)
Sunday is cheat day- so I eat whatever I feel like-

Monday- (day after cheat)- I do not eat any fruit or CARBS. (or try for below 30 grams)

I start each day with tall glass of all natural Trader Joes GREENS drink mixed w/ cold WATER!

Than usually eat 3-4 eggs and some grilled chicken or meat. (or tuna) and a few raw nuts or olives. (w/ coffee and almond milk)

2-3 hours later I will have a LARABAR or organic apple OR banana and some raw nuts.

2-3 hours later I will have some rolled organic turkey or grass fed beef with some olives/avocado OR some organic TJ beef jerky.

LUNCH- usually its a pint of steamed brocolli with chicken or shrimp- sometimes a huge salad with chicken or beef. ( with one WHOLE OMEGA FISH OIL capsule) and WATER

afternoon snacks- I eat when I feel hungry! sometimes twice after lunch...
usually another LARABAR or apple/nuts or jerky. 2 Hard boiled eggs w coffee.

WATER, WATER, WATER through out the day!

PROTEIN- healthy FAT- (w/ a good carb on CROSSFIT days)-

a couple of sample dinners-

-Grilled chicken, asparagus, avaocado, huge salad.

-BLT's in lettuce cups w/ Trader Joes nitrate free BACON. salad w/ beets

-Phil's Paleo salad at SHAKA.

-Grass fed beef burgers or grass fed SLOPPEY JOES in lettuce cups with homemade baked sweet potato fries- huge salad. (crossfit day)

-SUSHI w/ salad - 4 pcs. sashimi and 1 tuna roll w rice(crossfit day) I usually dont eat rice though.

If I am hungry I will have another snack, similar to the afternoon one.
Maybe a piece of dark chocolate (75% cocao or over)

Before bed 2 tablespoons of RAW ALMOND BUTTER. and drink water!

So basically; EAT REAL FOOD!
 Base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar. drink lots of WATER.

Thank you CROSSFIT, Mike Geary TRUTH ABOUT ABS, Robb Wolf PALEO SOLUTION for the advice!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Crossfit "BRADSHAW" workout!

Warmup: 2 rds
10 kb swings
10 pvc shoulder dislocates
10 front leg swings per side

Pre-WOD mobility:
Band hamstring stretch 1 min per side
Band shoulder stretch 1 min per side

WOD: “Bradshaw” 10 RFT
3 hspu
6 deadlifts 225/155lb
12 pullups
24 DU’s

*30 minute cap*

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Dr. Terry Wahls cures her own Multiple Sclerosis with a change in her diet! Also, this Paleo style diet works to CURE Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Alzheimers and autoimmune diseases. PLEASE WATCH!


No worries if your at PIER VILLAGE and a PALEO eater! Stop by SHAKA for Phil's salad; all natural beef, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, grilled veggies and avocado. Salsa on side. SHAKA

Monday, May 7, 2012